

A unique experience.

One IONNYK Digital Art Frame,

One Laurent Baheux « Big Five » series.

IONNYK is the world first digital art frame containing millions of tiny ink capsules.

We provide Laurent Baheux collectors a unique and exclusive IONNYK experience in a pure Black & White form.

Take advantage of a Laurent Baheux collection that evolves in the IONNYK frame by itself.

Through the IONNYK mobile app (available on IOS and Android) you can enjoy your Laurent Baheux artworks.

Linn (large format) – portrait

Linn (large format) – landscape

Jane (classic format) – portrait

Jane (classic format) – landscape

About Laurent Baheux’s work


Laurent Baheux’s work questions and raises awareness of current ecological concerns, forcing us above all to observe.


His fight is against the injustice done to animals. He considers that art and particularly photography plays a crucial role in perceiving and understanding their sensitivity, their way of life and our connections.


Photography allows us to have more empathy towards living beings of which animals are a part in the same way as we are.


In a world saturated with images and colors, black and white allows him to disregard secondary elements and focus on the essential message.


Laurent Baheux loves the nostalgia and romanticism that flow from black & white photography.


IONNYK is proud to share through this collaboration with Laurent Baheux the taste for timeless aesthetics, but above all the fight and the commitment for the animal cause.


We work together around his «Big Five» collection to highlight these five famous but also endangered species : Elephant, lion, buffalo, rhinoceros & leopard.


African Parks


African Parks is a non-profit conservation organisation that takes on the complete responsibility for the rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities.

They currently manage 22 national parks and protected areas in 12 countries covering over 20 million hectares in: Angola, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan Zambia and Zimbabwe.

We are in the midst of a conservation crisis that is occurring around the globe resulting in the catastrophic loss of countless species and the accelerated destruction of wild landscapes. Protected areas are facing a critical period where the number of well-managed parks is fast declining. Those that are unmanaged will be lost, and those that remain will become highly valued and possibly even more threatened.

Laurent Baheux & IONNYK are very sensitive about the cause African Parks defends and are proud to contribute in their own way to their fight.

20% of the profits made on each artwork will be paid to the association for their action « Saving Wildlife ».